Friday, June 27, 2008

EXORCISING THE DEMONS! poem 1 killing season poem 2 repeat performance 3 no part in the charade

thugs at the helm
spattered brains
deaths at the door steps
the sadism everywhere
murder in the air
rising waves of brutality
deserted homes
fires gobbling up homes
those wailing souls
in the steel grip of evil
evil seemingly triumphant
killers on the loose
fatal scythes everywhere
a real possibility
the same sad somg
new singers on stage
exhibiting the scars
claiming saviour status
mercenary tendencies ahead
champions of our struggle
claiming those privileges
forsaking the greatness
forsaking lessons in humility
to desecrate that blood
to give the devil pleasure
to appease the vampires
to steal from the poor
to find pleasure in pain
these fingers shall bear no stain
the stain of the blood
the blood of my slain people

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