Sunday, June 15, 2008


dying bulawayo

sense of smell smote
stench of urine and shit
pronounced in the city centre

sense of sight smote
everywhere garbage mounds
right there in the city centre

evidence of neglect exhibited
the decadence and decay in the city
bulawayo slowly and painfully dying

the shadows moving about
stinking business deals conducting
oblivious of mounds of trash

[BULAWAYO is the second largest city/shitty in zimbabwe]


in cheap t-shirts clad
fed on alcohol and drugs
spreading the web of fear
propping dangerous personality cult
messengers of death everywhere
kith and kin bludgeoning to death
one song must be sung
every other song is dung
waves of intolerance spreading
chaining those desiring freedom
out of this morass our lives
bursting out of the bud of poverty
between the hammer and tongs of hardships
fashioning real men and women

[ connectivity is proving to be a hassle really. it is for that reason that this blogspot is not being updated with the regularity it has always had.i vow to soldier on in spite of these difficulties.this and future generations must know what is behind these works.i am not a quitter.i will surmount these difficulties.hope is the drug that will cure us of the disease called despair.i live in the garden of inspiration.i must accomplish the mission that my maker has set for then with me on this long journey.backsliders we will not tolerate! enjoy these not sing songs of praises where these are not due.sing the dirges where there is need.failure to sing the dirges is what has put us where we are now.listen!]

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