Friday, May 2, 2008

gods ahead[poem one] and emancipation day[poem two]

down on our knees we go
worshipping those little gods
the insatiable gods of lust
the lust for power
insatiable lust for sex
the insatiable lust for nicotine
the little gods in our safes and wallets
the songs of praise we sing
the shrines we build for the gods
there is our demise
that is how the gods reward us

poem two

garland of human skulls
striding majestically to podiums
diarrhoea speech noone has ears for
cheered on by gaunt, derelict skeletons
then a deathly silence reigns
the great wizard at the banquet
sumptuous meal of human liver
drinking human blood for wash down
muffled voices of gaunt, derelict skeletons
the voices will reach a crescendo
the invincibility of king owl now a myth

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